Contact your Member of Provincial Parliament (MPP)

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by | Published , updated Jun 25, 2024

Take action by writing to your local Member of Provincial Parliament (MPP).

Your MPP was elected to bring your opinion and views to Parliament. They depend on you to educate them about what issues should be considered most important. Writing an email or letter doesn’t take long and it ensures that the people who make decisions on your behalf know how you want to be represented.

Here’s how to do it:

Confirm that the provincial government is responsible

Confirm that the provincial government is responsible for the topic you’re contacting them about here: Which government is responsible?

Find your MPP

How to write a letter to my MP?


Use the EPIC format The acronym ‘EPIC’ is a useful way to remember how to structure the main part of your letter. After the introductory paragraph, your letter should follow this structure:  

  • – Engage! Get your MP’s attention with a dramatic fact or short statement.  
  • P – Problem clearly stated. Present the causes of the problem you just introduced.  
  • I – Inform them about solutions. Develop your solution by giving examples of how and where it has worked, how it is cost-effective and how it has benefited Indigenous Peoples.
  • C – Call to action. Let them know what you want them to do about it.  

What to include

  • Include your name and contact information.
  • Introduce yourself as a constituent – representatives tend to put much more stock in letters from inside their municipalities
  • State your objective or the issue and whether you support or opposite it at the beginning.
  • Follow with a brief introduction outlining your concerns.
  • Give a short explanation of how the issue affects you personally. Describe your interest in and any experience you have with the issue.
  • Include facts and figures to support your argument.
  • Ask questions that prompt a response. Ask for clarification on your councillor’s position.
  • Request a commitment to a specific action, and give rationale for your request.
  • Acknowledge their challenges
  • Thank them for any positive action they have taken in the past on your issue.
  • Thank them for their time, and remind them you will be discussing the matter with your neighbours, and voting to support the issue at hand.
  • Mention specifically if you want a written response, then follow up with them in two weeks if there has been no reply.


  • Focus on one issue and stay on topic, emphasizing two or three major points.
  • Be concise. Try to keep the letter to one page and do not exceed two pages.
  • Try to make your letter personal by including your own experiences.
  • If you have more information to share, include any materials in the envelope or attach it to your email.

What approach will get the most attention?

Which communication method gets the most attention varies by representative, but is in general (from highest to lowest):

  1. Mailed letter
  2. Personalized emails
  3. Form/template emails
  4. Social media posts and messages

Letter to MPP template

[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[City, Province, Postal Code]
[Email Address]
[Phone Number]


[MP’s Name]
Legislative Building
Queen’s Park
Toronto ON
M7A 1A1

Dear [MPP’s Name],

I am writing to express my deep concern about the privatization of healthcare in Ontario. As a constituent, I urge you to take a more bold and proactive stand to address this critical issue that affects the daily lives of people across the province.

Privatized, for-profit healthcare delivery would be a disaster for Ontario. It would create a system where the healthiest are the wealthiest; where the quality of care plummets; and where private corporations profit off of patients.

Ontarians don’t just think this model is wrong; they think it’s un-Canadian. Over 90% of us see our public healthcare system as part of who we are as Canadians.

I urge you to push for concrete actions to address this issue, such as:

  • Solution 1
  • Solution 2
  • Solution 3

It is crucial that the government takes decisive action to address the root causes and ensure that all Ontarians have access to quality healthcare.

I urge you to use your position to advocate for policies that will alleviate the family doctor shortage crisis. Your leadership on this issue is critical, and I hope to see meaningful progress in the near future.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to your response.


[Your Name]

Ask for a response

Most MPPs will usually respond to letters from constituents and will forward your letter to the relevant Minister, even if they disagree with you. In turn, the Minister is obliged by Parliamentary convention to respond to the letters sent to them by MPPs.

Copy the Premier, Minister(s), Parliamentary Assistant(s), and Critic(s) responsible for the issue

Letters mailed to MPPs require postage

Unlike sending a letter to your MP, letters sent to MPPs require a stamp.

What to do next

  • Share on social media – Share your letter on social media.
  • Word of mouth – Speak to persons in your circle such as colleagues, friends, and family to encourage them to participate in these actions.
  • Follow up with your MPP If you have not received an acknowledgement of your letter after a few weeks, give your MPP’s office a ring to confirm that they have received your letter.  



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