Lisa Anne Chatten – Councillor of City of Belleville, ON

Published , updated Nov 30, 2023

Lisa Anne Chatten is running as a candidate for councillor in the City of Belleville in the 2022 municipal election.


Loyalist College and St. Lawrence and attended Guelph University.

Community involvement


  • Office Administrator of Crime Stoppers Quinte, member since 2014
  • Thurlow/Belleville Trustee for Hastings Prince Edward District School Board 2018-2022
  • Warrant Officer for Commissionaires – not-for-profit security and investigations company
  • Continuing On In Education (COED) Quinte – day supports that promotes independence and inclusion for adults with disabilities
  • On-call Supply Staff for HPEDSB as a Teacher in the classroom.
  • Six-year term Board Member for Canadian Mental Health Association
  • Project Assistant in the Knowledge Management department of the South East LHIN

Political career

She was elected as a trustee to the Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board in 2018.

Chatten received a recommendation from Quinte Labour Council.

Her election team consists of Ruth Estwick, Ulana Switzer-Orrick, Emilie Leneveu, Melissa James-Lafrance, Chris Sandie Sidsworth.

2022 election priorities

  • Everyone deserves a roof over their head. 
  • Everyone deserves medical assistance when they need it.
  • Everyone deserves to feel safe.

Affordable and attainable housing

I feel strongly that we need more open and transparent dialogue surrounding our current housing crisis. With strong proven advocacy skills, successful track record in a governance and leadership capacities and dynamic positive relationships with our local MP and MPP, I will bring these issues to the table for real discussions. 

Our region deserves affordable and attainable housing – and I believe that collaborative solutions are what will get us there. I am fortunate to additionally have the support of housing initiatives and the company of powerful leaders of associations who have experience in solving housing issues. I come prepared to engage in discussions over how to make affordable and attainable housing a reality. 

It is my intention to engage and encourage the dialogue between other regions across the Province to find solutions that will work for the residents in Belleville, and to support the home grown initiatives that are desperately trying to gain foot holds to make a difference for those in the most vulnerable of housing situations.

I want our City to be able to support first time home buyers, and create an environment where it isn’t impossible for young families to keep a roof over their head, owned or rented.

Medical & Mental Health

Doctor and nurse recruitment. 

It is no secret that health care support and mental health services has played a significant role in my life. As a former six-year term Board Member for Canadian Mental Health Association and in addition to my employment as a Project Assistant in the Knowledge Management department of the South East LHIN, I intimately know the struggle that surrounds community access to health care, mental health and resources.

You’ll see this theme throughout my campaign, that we need to approach these challenges collaboratively. We need to take stock as a community of all the available resources and how they are being supported and utilized, most especially post-pandemic. We need to attract doctors and nurses to our region, and find ways to support and retain those we have currently. Support for programs that will attract the right professionals to our region for mental health services as well as family health care is imperative to the overall health of the region. 

When looking at what creates strong and impenetrable communities, healthcare and supports should be at the very pinnacle of our focus as a city. Your voice will be my vote at the table, and I hear you loud and clear.

Police Support

As a member of Crime Stoppers Quinte since 2014, I have had unique insight regarding rising trends in crime across the city. Today as the Administrator for the program, I know how critical it is for residents to feel safe in their homes, at their businesses, and on our streets. 

So many folks from our region have approached me with ideas surrounding how we can better support our policing services to handle these trends collaboratively, and furthermore to create better platforms for community feedback concerning public safety initiatives. I saw first hand as a publicly elected Trustee last election, that the concept of safe schools begins far before a child enters the school system. Safe schools begin with safe communities, and safe communities support safe schools. 

I want our community to be the safest one for all of us. It is my intention to facilitate discussions and conversations that get us to a place where we are building our community in safety, supporting police and their efforts using the tools and services they have developed and collaborating with agencies that will help police to do the job they are trained to do. I support our police services, and want to see us all live, work and play in safety.

Personal life

Chatten is married to Pieter Molenkamp, a retired member of the military. Mother to Noah, Aiden and Darius.


Over to you

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