The City of Belleville has contracted Earth-Crete Ontario Inc. to complete sanitary sewer work on Church Street and Cannifton Road.
Construction on Church Street will include the replacement of approximately 100 metres of sanitary sewer lines between Dundas Street East and Bridge Street East, reconnection of all existing sanitary sewer laterals and full depth asphalt repair on the road.
Work on Cannifton Road includes the replacement of two brick sanitary manholes located on the old two-lane section of Cannifton, south of College Street East, along with two repairs to the sanitary sewer main and granular base/hot mix asphalt reinstatement.
Construction is anticipated to begin on Church Street this month and be completed by the end of August. Work on Cannifton Road is anticipated to begin in August and be completed by the fall.
Traffic will be reduced from two lanes to one lane for the duration of both of these projects. It is anticipated that parking will be unavailable on Church Street in the project area during this time.
Any questions or concerns can be directed to Riley Steeves of Earth-Crete at 613-922-3113 or [email protected].
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