Discover Belleville

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by | Published , updated Jan 16, 2024

Discover Belleville is a brand operated by the Belleville Chamber of Commerce that has evolved, particularly through COVID, when Belleville’s tourism tool was used to engage local residents with local businesses.

Municipal Accommodation Tax (MAT)

Recognizing the opportunity to generate revenue through short term (hotel) operators accommodating overnight guests the City of Belleville opted-in to collect the Municipal Accommodation Tax which earns 4% of a total stay in revenues for the City. In 2019 and subsequent years this has steadily averaged $1 million dollars in additional revenue to the city to deliver services that effect the well being of the citizens of Belleville.

In 2024 the Economic Development Commitee are projecting growth of the MAT to $1,200,000 through enhanced tourism product development, curated events with proven growth potential, essential community partnerships, innovation in short term accommodation regulations and a dynamic marketing strategy to reach the new and existing markets we know visit Belleville. Should the sector priorities change, an economic development specialist with transferable expertise is in place. [source]

Funding from City of Belleville


We require fresh photography, videography, and social media reels for web, print and social media campaigns.

Approximately $20,000 of this cost is expected to be one time in nature, with $10,000 required annually to maintain the program. One time funding provided from the Economic Development Casino Reserve Fund ($20,000).

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