- 2022 circulation was a record high of 400,000 checkouts.
- Offered 600 programs and events last year
- Attendance of 18,605 people
The Library Board is a City Board of at least 5 members appointed by the municipal council. It is responsible for governing the Library and Gallery.
- Councillor Paul Carr (Chair)
- Eric Lindenberg (Vice Chair)
- Michael Roberts (Finance Chair)
- Councillor Lisa Chatten
- Councillor Chris Malette
- Philippe Appolon
- Gerry Fraiberg
- Amy Hallaran
- Ruth Ingersoll
Board Trustees provide financial oversight for the Library and are responsible for all aspects of the operations, through the hiring and supervision of the CEO.
Municipal councils are responsible for appointing public library boards and they provide most of the funding for libraries (municipal tax dollars). A funding formula consists of a mix of provincial and municipal funding based on population sizes.
The Belleville Public Library has a board-approved written budget. This budget is developed annually as a cooperative process between the board’s finance committee and the library director. Each year, the board of trustees determines if the library’s revenues are adequate to meet the needs of the community. If the revenues are not adequate to meet the needs of the community, the board of trustees takes action to increase the library’s revenue.
On a monthly basis the library director presents written reports on library operations to the board of trustees. These reports include such areas as finance, library usage, matters of personnel, collection development, and programming in addition to any other relevant and pertinent information.
Policy Manual
The Board must meet a minimum of 7 times per year, but usually meets monthly. All meetings must be open to the public, and can only be closed for specific reasons. The time and place for board meetings and the mode of calling and conducting them must be fixed, and full and correct minutes must be kept.
- 2022-2027 Strategic Plan
- 2017 Accessibility Compliance Report
- 2023 Accessibility Compliance Report
- 2021-2026 Accessibility Plan
- Policy Manual
- Library Rules of Conduct
- Computer and Network Use
- Privacy Policy
- Accessibility for people with disabilities
- Health and Safety Policy
- Promotional Displays and Posting of Community Notices
- Workplace Violence and Prevention Response
- Harassment and Discrimination
- Facilities Rental Contract and Rates
- Collection Development Policy
Contact information
- 254 Pinnacle Street, Belleville, Ontario K8N 3B1
- (613) 968-6731
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