City of Belleville to Attend Annual Good Roads Conference To Call On Province for Safer Roads

CAO Rod Bovay, Councillor Lisa Anne-Chatten and Director of Transportation and Operations Services Joe Reid will be travelling to Toronto for the 130th annual Good Roads Conference.

The annual conference brings all levels of government from Ontario together over four days focusing on municipal transportation and infrastructure topics. With over 80 sessions, a variety of speakers, study tours and exhibitor hall, the Good Roads Conference is one of the largest municipal conferences in the province.

“The Good Roads Conference is an opportunity to collaborate with other municipalities and connect with our provincial government on the challenges we are facing,” said CAO Rod Bovay. “We are looking forward to bringing back solutions and ideas from this year’s conference that we can put to work right away in Belleville.”

“At a time when Ontario municipalities are facing many complex and unprecedented challenges – climate change, broken fiscal arrangements, a rapidly evolving technological landscape – it is important to gather with colleagues to learn about solutions and find a shared way forward,” said Scott Butler, Executive Director of Good Roads. “The Good Roads Conference does just that.”

Good Roads is a municipal association concerned with the advancement of roads and other infrastructure in Ontario. Based in Oakville, Ontario, we have been devoted to the cause of better roads since 1894. Originally known as the Ontario Good Roads Association (and still using that name corporately), we have more than 450 member governments, including most of Ontario’s municipalities and a growing number of First Nations, as well as dozens of affiliated corporate members in the transportation and infrastructure sectors. Our purpose, in part, is to connect our members to each other, to other levels of government, and to relevant companies in the private sector. Our members look to us for training, knowledge, political advocacy, and answers to their most pressing problems. Good Roads is resolutely independent.


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