City Hires New Manager of Economic Development

The City of Belleville is pleased to announce the appointment of Elisha Maguire as Manager of Economic Development.

Elisha has been with the City of Belleville for over nine years where she held the roles of Build Belleville Coordinator, Development & Tourism Coordinator and most recently, Investment Attraction Officer. Prior to joining the City, she worked as the Manager of Economic Development & Communications for the Municipality of Brighton. Elisha holds an Economic Development Certification through the University of Waterloo, diploma in Business Sales and Marketing from Loyalist College, certificate in Managing and Leading in a Municipal Environment as well as a certificate in Planning.

She will begin her new position effective immediately.

“We are very pleased that Elisha has accepted this appointment,” said CAO Rod Bovay. “In addition to her experience in development, investment attraction and tourism, Elisha brings with her a robust set of skills and strong, existing relationships with our business community. We look forward to what she will bring to the department as she steps into this new role.”

“Over the past number of months, Elisha has really stepped up and taken on the day-to-administration of our economic development team,” said Mayor Neil Ellis. “We know she will prove to be an asset to the City as she transitions into this leadership role and we look forward to what the future holds for the department.”

“This position is well-aligned with my career development goals and I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity,” said Elisha Maguire. “I look forward to providing leadership for our city’s dynamic economic development team and creating a strategic plan for the department that develops priorities, guides our service delivery and highlights opportunities to better connect and build relationships with our community.”


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