Add your municipality to Open CouncilYour full name* First Last Your email* Municipality*Township of Addington HighlandsTownship of Adelaide-MetcalfeTownship of Adjala-TosorontioTownship of Admaston/BromleyTown of AjaxTownship of AlbertonTownship of Alfred and PlantagenetTownship of Algonquin HighlandsTownship of Alnwick/HaldimandTownship of AmaranthTown of AmherstburgTownship of ArmourTownship of ArmstrongTown of ArnpriorMunicipality of Arran-ElderslieTownship of Ashfield-Colborne-WawanoshTownship of Asphodel-NorwoodTownship of AssiginackTownship of AthensTown of AtikokanTownship of AugustaTown of AuroraTown of AylmerTownship of BaldwinTown of BancroftCity of BarrieMunicipality of BayhamTownship of BeckwithCity of BellevilleTownship of BillingsTownship of Black River-MathesonTownship of Blandford-BlenheimTown of Blind RiverMunicipality of BluewaterTownship of BonfieldTownship of Bonnechere ValleyTown of BracebridgeTown of Bradford West GwillimburyCity of BramptonCounty of BrantCity of BrantfordTownship of BrethourMunicipality of BrightonTownship of BrockMunicipality of BrocktonCity of BrockvilleMunicipality of Brooke-AlvinstonCounty of BruceTown of Bruce MinesLyndoch and Raglan of BrudenellVillage of Burk’s FallsCity of BurlingtonTownship of Burpee and MillsTown of CaledonMunicipality of CallanderMunicipality of CalvinCity of CambridgeTown of Carleton PlaceTownship of CarlingTownship of Carlow/MayoTownship of CaseyMunicipality of CasselmanTownship of Cavan MonaghanMunicipality of Central ElginTownship of Central FrontenacMunicipality of Central HuronMunicipality of Central ManitoulinMunicipality of Centre HastingsTownship of Centre WellingtonTownship of ChamberlainTownship of ChamplainTownship of ChapleauTownship of ChappleMunicipality of Charlton and DackMunicipality of Chatham-KentTownship of ChatsworthTownship of ChisholmCity of Clarence-RocklandMunicipality of ClaringtonTownship of ClearviewTown of CobaltTown of CobourgTown of CochraneTownship of Cockburn IslandTownship of ColemanTown of CollingwoodTownship of ConmeeCity of CornwallTownship of CramaheTownship of Dawn-EuphemiaTownship of DawsonTown of Deep RiverTown of DeserontoTownship of DorionTownship of Douro-DummerTownship of Drummond/North ElmsleyCity of DrydenTownship of DubreuilvilleCounty of DufferinRegional Municipality of DurhamMunicipality of Dutton/DunwichMunicipality of Dysart et alTownship of Ear FallsTownship of East FerrisTownship of East GarafraxaTown of East GwillimburyTownship of East HawkesburyTownship of East Zorra-TavistockTownship of Edwardsburgh/CardinalCounty of ElginTownship of Elizabethtown-KitleyCity of Elliot LakeTownship of EmoTown of EnglehartTownship of EnniskillenTown of ErinTown of EspanolaTownship of EssaCounty of EssexTown of EssexTownship of EvanturelTownship of FaradayTownship of Fauquier-StricklandTown of Fort ErieTown of Fort FrancesMunicipality of French RiverTownship of Front of YongeCounty of FrontenacTownship of Frontenac IslandsTown of GananoqueTownship of GauthierTownship of Georgian BayTownship of Georgian BluffsTown of GeorginaTownship of GilliesTown of GoderichMunicipality of Gordon/Barrie IslandTown of Gore BayTown of Grand ValleyTown of GravenhurstTownship of Greater MadawaskaTown of Greater NapaneeCity of Greater SudburyMunicipality of GreenstoneCounty of GreyMunicipality of Grey HighlandsTown of GrimsbyCity of GuelphTownship of Guelph/Eramosaof Haldimand CountyCounty of HaliburtonRegional Municipality of HaltonTown of Halton HillsCity of HamiltonTownship of HamiltonTown of HanoverTownship of HarleyTownship of HarrisCounty of HastingsMunicipality of Hastings HighlandsTownship of Havelock-Belmont-MethuenTown of HawkesburyClara and Maria of HeadTown of HearstMunicipality of Highlands EastTownship of HilliardTownship of HiltonVillage of Hilton BeachTownship of HornepayneTownship of HortonTownship of HowickTownship of HudsonTown of HuntsvilleCounty of HuronMunicipality of Huron EastMunicipality of Huron ShoresTownship of Huron-KinlossTownship of IgnaceTown of IngersollTown of InnisfilTown of Iroquois FallsTownship of JamesTownship of JocelynTownship of JohnsonTownship of JolyTown of KapuskasingCity of Kawartha LakesTown of KearneyCity of KenoraTownship of KernsHagarty and Richards of KillaloeMunicipality of KillarneyMunicipality of KincardineTownship of KingCity of KingstonTown of KingsvilleTown of Kirkland LakeCity of KitchenerTownship of La ValleeTownship of LairdTownship of Lake of BaysTownship of Lake of the WoodsMunicipality of LakeshoreCounty of LambtonMunicipality of Lambton ShoresCounty of LanarkTownship of Lanark HighlandsTownship of Larder LakeTown of LaSalleTown of LatchfordTown of Laurentian HillsTownship of Laurentian ValleyMunicipality of LeamingtonUnited Counties of Leeds and GrenvilleTownship of Leeds and the Thousand IslandsCounty of Lennox and AddingtonTownship of LimerickTown of LincolnCity of LondonTownship of LoyalistTownship of Lucan BiddulphMeredith and Aberdeen Additional of MacdonaldTownship of MacharTownship of MachinTownship of Madawaska ValleyTownship of MadocMunicipality of MagnetawanTownship of MalahideTownship of ManitouwadgeTownship of MapletonTown of MarathonCity of MarkhamMunicipality of Markstay-WarrenMunicipality of Marmora and LakeTownship of MatachewanTown of MattawaMunicipality of MattawanTownship of Mattice-Val CôtéTownship of McDougallTownship of McGarryTownship of McKellarTownship of McMurrich/MonteithTownship of McNab/BraesideMunicipality of MeafordTownship of MelancthonVillage of Merrickville-WolfordCounty of MiddlesexMunicipality of Middlesex CentreTown of MidlandTown of MiltonTownship of Minden HillsTown of MintoCity of MississaugaMunicipality of Mississippi MillsTown of MonoTownship of MontagueTownship of MoonbeamTown of MoosoneeTownship of MorleyMunicipality of Morris-TurnberryTownship of MulmurDistrict Municipality of MuskokaTownship of Muskoka LakesTownship of Nairn and HymanMunicipality of NeebingTown of New TecumsethVillage of NewburyTown of NewmarketRegional Municipality of NiagaraCity of Niagara FallsTown of Niagara-on-the-LakeTownship of NipigonTownship of Nipissingof Norfolk CountyTownship of North Algona WilberforceCity of North BayTownship of North DumfriesTownship of North DundasTownship of North FrontenacTownship of North GlengarryMunicipality of North GrenvilleTownship of North HuronTownship of North KawarthaMunicipality of North MiddlesexMunicipality of North PerthTownship of North StormontTown of Northeastern Manitoulin and The IslandsMunicipality of Northern Bruce PeninsulaCounty of NorthumberlandTownship of NorwichTownship of O’ConnorTown of OakvilleVillage of Oil SpringsMunicipality of Oliver PaipoongeTownship of OpasatikaTown of OrangevilleCity of OrilliaTownship of Oro-MedonteCity of OshawaTownship of Otonabee-South MonaghanCity of OttawaCity of Owen SoundCounty of OxfordTownship of Papineau-CameronTown of Parry SoundRegional Municipality of PeelTownship of PeleeTown of PelhamCity of PembrokeTown of PenetanguisheneTownship of PerryTown of PerthCounty of PerthTownship of Perth EastTownship of Perth SouthTown of PetawawaCity of PeterboroughCounty of PeterboroughTown of PetroliaCity of PickeringTownship of Pickle LakeTownship of Plummer AdditionalTown of Plympton-WyomingVillage of Point EdwardCity of Port ColborneMunicipality of Port HopeMunicipality of PowassanTown of PrescottUnited Counties of Prescott and RussellTownship of PrinceCounty of Prince EdwardTownship of PuslinchCity of Quinte WestTown of Rainy RiverTownship of RamaraMunicipality of Red LakeTownship of Red RockCounty of RenfrewTown of RenfrewCity of Richmond HillTownship of Rideau LakesTownship of RussellTownship of RyersonTownship of Sables-Spanish RiversCity of SarniaTown of Saugeen ShoresCity of Sault Ste. MarieTownship of SchreiberTownship of ScugogTownship of SeguinTownship of SelwynTownship of SevernTown of ShelburneMunicipality of ShuniahCounty of SimcoeMunicipality of Sioux LookoutTownship of Sioux Narrows-Nestor FallsTown of Smiths FallsTown of Smooth Rock FallsTownship of South AlgonquinMunicipality of South BruceTown of South Bruce PeninsulaMunicipality of South DundasTownship of South FrontenacTownship of South GlengarryMunicipality of South HuronVillage of South RiverTownship of South StormontTownship of South-West OxfordTownship of SouthgateMunicipality of Southwest MiddlesexTownship of SouthwoldTown of SpanishTownship of SpringwaterCity of St. CatharinesTownship of St. ClairTownship of St. JosephTown of St. MarysCity of St. ThomasMunicipality of St.-CharlesTownship of Stirling-RawdonTownship of Stone MillsDundas and Glengarry of StormontCity of StratfordMunicipality of Strathroy-CaradocTownship of StrongVillage of SundridgeTownship of TarbuttTownship of TayTownship of Tay ValleyTown of TecumsehTownship of TehkummahMunicipality of TemagamiCity of Temiskaming ShoresTownship of Terrace BayMunicipality of Thames CentreTownship of The ArchipelagoTown of The Blue Mountainsof The Nation MunicipalityTownship of The North ShoreTown of ThessalonVillage of ThornloeCity of ThoroldCity of Thunder BayTown of TillsonburgCity of TimminsTownship of TinyCity of TorontoMunicipality of Trent HillsMunicipality of Trent LakesTownship of Tudor and CashelMunicipality of TweedTownship of TyendinagaTownship of UxbridgeTownship of Val Rita-HartyCity of VaughanTownship of WainfleetTownship of WarwickTown of Wasaga BeachCity of WaterlooRegional Municipality of WaterlooMunicipality of WawaCity of WellandTownship of WellesleyCounty of WellingtonTownship of Wellington NorthMunicipality of West ElginMunicipality of West GreyTownship of West LincolnMunicipality of West NipissingMunicipality of West PerthVillage of WestportTown of WhitbyTown of Whitchurch-StouffvilleTownship of White RiverMunicipality of WhitestoneTownship of Whitewater RegionTownship of WilmotCity of WindsorTownship of WollastonCity of WoodstockTownship of WoolwichRegional Municipality of YorkTownship of ZorraWhy do you want to contribute to Open Council?*CAPTCHA